Adventures in Social Media with Ashley

Black Coffee (since we spilled all the milk)
July 2, 2008, 7:26 pm
Filed under: coffee, corporate social responsibility, social media | Tags: , ,

We know Starbucks has one of the best corporate social responsibility strategies around (supply chain sustainability? pretty smart…), but when should we put down the Venti Triple Shot Light Ice Mocha Mint Chip Frappuccino and take a look at their business practice as a whole?

Take a look at the smart things Zach has to say in The Cannibal Investors about Starbucks’ decision to close 600 stores.

Through my recent Twitter adventures, I also came across The Global Sociology Blog and some interesting opinions on the Starbucks Ethos water.

So what do I think? I switched to Dunkin’ Donuts months ago…